API Reference 2.0

API errors

Here is the list of all errors.

account_suspended Your account has been suspended because you have outstanding invoices. Please contact us.
api_usage_exceeded The number of concurrent processing jobs has been reached. Please contact us to increase your limit.
api_version_not_valid The API version is not valid.
authentication_error Authentication error, please check your API key.
job_parsing_error The JSON object is not valid and the parsing failed.
input_not_valid The job's input section is not valid.
input_url_not_valid The job's input URL is not a valid URL. Supported protocols are FTP, SFTP and HTTP.
input_service_not_valid The job's input service is not valid.
input_credentials_not_valid The job's input credentials are not valid. You must specify valid access_key_id and secret_access_key.
input_bucket_not_valid The job's input bucket is not valid.
input_key_not_valid The job's input object key is not valid.
input_region_not_valid The job's input region is not valid.
input_endpoint_not_valid The job's input endpoint is not valid.
storage_bucket_not_valid The storage bucket is not valid.
storage_container_not_valid The storage container is not valid.
storage_credentials_not_valid The storage credentials are not valid.
storage_endpoint_not_valid The storage endpoint is not valid.
storage_region_not_valid The storage region is not valid.
storage_service_not_valid The storage service is not valid.
storage_url_not_valid The storage URL is not valid.
output_format_not_valid The output format is not valid.
output_url_not_valid The output URL is not valid.
output_filename_not_valid The output filename is not valid.
output_key_not_valid The given output key is not valid.
output_param_not_valid The output parameter is not valid.
notification_not_valid The job's notification section is not valid.
notification_type_not_valid The job's notification type is not valid.
notification_credentials_not_valid The job's notification credentials are not valid.
notification_region_not_valid The job's notification region is not valid.
notification_topic_arn_not_valid The job's notification topic arn is not valid.
notification_url_not_valid The notification HTTP URL is not valid.