Packaging into MPEG-Dash and HLS:
"outputs": {
"httpstream": {
"hls": {
"path": "/hls"
"dash": {
"path": "/dash"
Customizing the variants:
"outputs": {
"httpstream": {
"hls": {
"path": "/hls"
"dash": {
"path": "/dash"
"variants": [
Packaging into MPEG-Dash and HLS fMP4:
"outputs": {
"httpstream": {
"dash": {
"path": "/dash",
"hlsfmp4": true
HLS & MPEG-Dash options
Name | Type | Default | Required |
path The path where the files will be uploaded. See Storage. |
string | / | No |
if If the given condition is false, the output won't be processed. Logical operators we support are: < > <= >= <> != = AND OR NOT. See Conditional outputs. |
string | No | |
key Will rename the output key which is sent in the notification payload. Very useful because you can change the output settings but the key name you get at the end will be unchanged. No code to update on your side. |
string | No | |
variants A list of formats The formats specs: • container must be mp4 • Video codec must be either h264 (default), hevc , novideo • Audio codec must be either aac or noaudio |
array | mp4:x:64k mp4:240p::quality=4,maxrate=400k mp4:360p::quality=4,maxrate=1000k mp4:480p::quality=4,maxrate=1500K mp4:720p::quality=4,maxrate=2000k mp4:1080p::quality=4,maxrate=4000k mp4:2160p::quality=4,maxrate=8000k | No |
playlist_name The filename without extension that will be used for every playlist or manifest names. |
string | master | No |
dash Enable packaging into MPEG-Dash. |
hash | No | |
path The relative path where the different Dash files will be uploaded. |
string | Yes | |
hlsfmp4 Will also generate HLS fMP4 playlist files. |
bool | No | |
hls Enable packaging into HLS (.TS Files). |
hash | No | |
path The relative path where the different HLS files will be uploaded. |
string | Yes | |
version if version=3 , the media will be segmented (multiple files) instead of fragmented (single file). |
int | 4 | No |
segment_duration The segment duration in second. By default 4sec or 5sec depending on the original GOP. |
int | 4|5 | No |
Video manipulation
Name | Type | Default | Required |
fit Option to change the fit mode. To keep the original aspect ratio by cropping instead of padding (default behavior), set fit=crop width and height are required. |
string | pad | No |
transpose Rotate the video 0 90CounterCLockwise and Vertical Flip (default)1 90Clockwise2 90CounterClockwise3 90Clockwise and Vertical FlipWe automatically use transpose for videos taken in portrait mode. |
int | 0 | No |
vflip Vertically Flip the video We automatically use vflip for videos taken upsidedown. |
bool | false | No |
hflip Horizontally Flip the video We automatically use hflip for videos taken upsidedown. |
bool | false | No |
duration Max duration in second of the video. if 10 , the encoded video length will be 10 seconds. |
int | No | |
offset Will start the encoding at the given offset in second. |
int | No | |
watermark Overlay an image (PNG) over the video. |
hash | No | |
url URL of the png image that will be incrusted in the video. Transparent and semi-transparent images are compatible. |
URL | No | |
position Position of the watermark. topleft topright bottomleft bottomright center |
string | topleft | No |
Add a watermark and cut the output at 2min:
"outputs": {
"httpstream": {
"dash": {
"path": "/dash",
"hlsfmp4": true
"duration": 120,
"watermark": {
"url": "https://host/coconut/watermark.png",
"position": "center"
DRM and Encryption
Widevine (Dash only)
Name | Type | Default | Required |
dash |
hash | No | |
widevine_pssh Widevine PSSH |
string | No | |
encryption_key Encryption key. Syntax is: KeyIDHex:KeyHex |
string | No |
Playready (Dash only)
Name | Type | Default | Required |
dash |
hash | No | |
playready_laurl The license Acquisition URL |
URL | No | |
encryption_key Encryption key. Syntax is: KeyIDHex:KeyHex |
string | No |
Widevine and Playready example:
"outputs": {
"httpstream": {
"dash": {
"path": "/dash",
"widevine_pssh": "htb3ZpZVjRG9ubDQHRhPY2NaE65qWBi3cQQs2yGgLI0iZNUjSIQ0gkxEh7mH9WEj3JWbBg==",
"playready_laurl": "https://playready.ezdrm.com/cency/preauth.aspx?pX=ECD463",
"encryption_key": "d21875b042cddb98018d7f6b7718ddb2:be02128f059b70c9e6a2e9d02ae64e14"
Fairplay (HLS only)
Name | Type | Default | Required |
hls |
hash | No | |
encryption_mode Must be SAMPLE-AES |
string | No | |
encryption_key DRM Encryption Key. With FairPlay, the key and IV are delivered together. The first 32 characters are used in the key file for "key" and the last 32 characters are used for "iv" |
string | No | |
encryption_key_uri DRM server URI |
string | No |
Fairplay example:
"outputs": {
"httpstream": {
"hls": {
"path": "/hls",
"encryption_mode": "SAMPLE-AES",
"encryption_key": "d013b7710d187bd8d8d6987f5b42cdb2be260ec912d4e9f020e68e59b7a2a014",
"encryption_key_uri": "skd://fps.ezdrm.com/;1XXXXXX0-c7ed-4XXX-b15c-XXXXXXXXXa25"
Simple HTTP Key Delivery (HLS only)
Name | Type | Default | Required |
hls |
hash | No | |
encryption_mode Must be AES-128 |
string | AES-128 | No |
encryption_key Hexadecimal key to enable AES-128 encryption. |
string | No | |
encryption_key_uri Encryption key URI (may be a relative or absolute URI). |
string | key.bin | No |
AES Encryption example:
"outputs": {
"httpstream": {
"hls": {
"path": "/hls",
"encryption_mode": "AES-128",
"encryption_key": "ba66aa7334ba85b3bc093db1db3ab931",
"encryption_key_uri": "http://yoursite.com/hls/aes/key.bin"
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
You will need to setup the CORS headers if the playlist and mp4 files are hosted on a different domain, which is most likely the case.Here are the different headers you need to setup:
- Access-Control-Allow-Headers: "origin, range"
- Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET, HEAD, OPTIONS"
- Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*"
- Access-Control-Expose-Headers: "Server,range"
If your files are hosted on Amazon S3, the CORS policy should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">